Drawing database | Home |
Function | Meaning |
lcCreateDrawing | Creates empty drawing object and returns its handle |
lcDeleteDrawing | Deletes the drawing object |
lcDrwNew | Clears a drawing into initial state |
lcDrwLoad | Loads a drawing's data from a file |
lcDrwLoadMem | Loads a drawing's data from a memory buffer |
lcDrwInsert | Inserts other drawing into current drawing |
lcDrwInsertSHP | Inserts data from ESRI Shapefile |
lcDrwCopy | Copies a drawing |
lcDrwSave | Saves a drawing's data into a file |
lcDrwSaveMem | Saves a drawing's data into a memory buffer |
Named objects |
lcDrwAddLayer | Adds a new layer into a drawing |
lcDrwAddLinetype | Adds a new linetype into a drawing |
lcDrwAddLinetypeF | Adds a new linetype into a drawing |
lcDrwAddTextStyle | Adds a new text style into a drawing |
lcDrwAddDimStyle | Adds a new dimension style into a drawing |
lcDrwAddPntStyle | Adds a new point style into a drawing |
lcDrwAddImage lcDrwAddImage2 lcDrwAddImage3 |
Adds a new image into a drawing |
lcDrwAddBlock | Adds a new block into a drawing |
lcDrwAddBlockFromDrw | Adds a block into a drawing from other drawing |
lcDrwAddBlockFromFile | Adds a block into a drawing from other drawing's file |
lcDrwAddBlockFile | Adds entire drawing from a file as one block |
lcDrwAddBlockPaper | Adds "Paper space" type block |
lcDrwAddBlockCopy | Adds a new block into a drawing as a clone of exist block |
lcDrwDeleteObject | Deletes an object from a drawing |
lcDrwCountObjects | Counts a number of named objects, by type |
lcDrwSortObjects | Sort named objects by LC_PROP_TABLE_PRIORITY |
Retrieve objects |
lcDrwGetFirstObject lcDrwGetNextObject |
Used to sequentially retrieve all named objects |
lcDrwGetObjectByName | Retrieves an object by its name |
lcDrwGetObjectByID lcDrwGetObjectByIDH |
Retrieves named object by its identifier |
lcDrwGetEntByID lcDrwGetEntByIDH |
Retrieves a graphic objects by its identifier |
lcDrwGetEntByKey | Retrieves a graphic object by its key value |
Other |
lcDrwPurge | Clears a drawing database from "deleted" objects |
lcDrwClearXData | Clears a drawing's extra data |
lcDrwExplode | Explodes all entities to simpler type |
lcDrwSetLimits | Defines max limits (used for view) |
lcDrwUndoRecord | Saves operations in Undo buffer |
lcDrwUndo | Performs Undo or Redo operation |
lcDrwUpdateBlkRefs | Updates all references of specified block |
lcDrwUpdateWinFonts | Prepares a text style to be applicable for using for win text objects. |
lcGetDrwXData | Retrieve drawing's XDATA from a file without loading it. |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_DRW_UID | string | R | Unique Identifier of a drawing |
LC_PROP_DRW_FILENAME | string | RW | Drawing's filename |
string | RW | Drawing's description |
LC_PROP_DRW_READONLY | bool | RW | "ReadOnly" flag |
LC_PROP_DRW_DIRTY | bool | RW | "Drawing was modified" flag |
LC_PROP_DRW_IDMAX | int string |
R | Maximal value of object identifier Hexadecimal string (up to 16 characters) |
LC_PROP_DRW_SYNCZOOM | bool | RW | "Synchronize Layouts Zoom" flag |
LC_PROP_DRW_HASALPHABLEND | bool | R | TRUE if any entity uses alpha blend (semi-transparent filling) |
LC_PROP_DRW_BLKREFGRIPS | int | RW | Grips mode for Block reference entity. 0-display all grips, 1-only position, 2-position and rotation grips. |
LC_PROP_DRW_JL_BASE | bool | RW | Begin jump lines from basepoint |
LC_PROP_DRW_JL_BASEX | float | RW | Basepoint X |
LC_PROP_DRW_JL_BASEY | float | RW | Basepoint Y |
LC_PROP_DRW_JL_LAYER | bool | RW | Enable layers for jump lines (also column in "Layers" dialog) |
LC_PROP_DRW_EXTOFFLAYER | bool | RW | Enable invisible layers for extents calculation |
LC_PROP_DRW_LOCKSEL | bool | RW | Enable selection on locked layers |
LC_PROP_DRW_MAXHATDASH | bool | RW | Max number of hatch dashes in Hatch entities |
LC_PROP_DRW_PROPLINFILL | bool | RW | Display item "LinFilling style" item in the Properties window |
LC_PROP_DRW_PROPZTH | bool | RW | Display items "Elevation (Z)" and "Thickness" in the Properties window |
LC_PROP_DRW_3DVIEW | bool | R | Drawing has "3D View" tab (See also LC_CMD_3DVIEW command) |
System variables (similar names as in AutoCAD) |
LC_PROP_DRW_LUNITS | int | RW | Linear units (LC_LUNIT_SCIEN and others) |
LC_PROP_DRW_LUPREC | int | RW | Precision for linear units (number of decimal digits) |
LC_PROP_DRW_AUNITS | int | RW | Angle units (LC_AUNIT_DEGREE and others) |
LC_PROP_DRW_AUPREC | int | RW | Precision for angular units (number of decimal digits) |
LC_PROP_DRW_ANGBASE | int | RW | Base angle |
LC_PROP_DRW_ANGDIR | int | RW | Angle direction, 0-counterclockwise, 1-clockwise |
LC_PROP_DRW_INSUNITS | int | RW | Block units (LC_INSUNIT_UNDEFINED and others) |
LC_PROP_DRW_PDMODE | int | RW | Default point draw mode, LC_POINT_PIXEL and others |
LC_PROP_DRW_PDSIZE | float | RW | Default point size, negative value means percent of a window |
LC_PROP_DRW_CMLJUST | int | RW | Current multiline justification 0 = Top; 1 = Middle; 2 = Bottom |
LC_PROP_DRW_CMLSCALE | float | RW | Current multiline scale |
Background, foreground and cursor colors |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORBACKM | int | RW | Model Space window background color (COLORREF) |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORBACKP | int | RW | Paper Space window background color (COLORREF) |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORFOREM | int | RW | Model Space foreground color (COLORREF) |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORFOREP | int | RW | Paper Space foreground color (COLORREF) |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORCURSORM | int | RW | Model Space cursor color (COLORREF) |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORCURSORP | int | RW | Paper Space cursor color (COLORREF) |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORPAPER | int | RW | Paper Space sheet color (COLORREF) |
Active outline color |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLOR | string | RW | Active color |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORBYLAYER | bool | RW | Color "ByLayer" |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORBYBLOCK | bool | RW | Color "ByBlock" |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORI | int bool |
RW R |
Color Index (1..255) TRUE if the color is index |
LC_PROP_DRW_COLORT | int bool |
RW R |
True Color (COLORREF) TRUE if the color is RGB |
Active fill color |
LC_PROP_DRW_FCOLOR | string | RW | Active filling color |
LC_PROP_DRW_FCOLORBYLAYER | bool | RW | Filling color "ByLayer" |
LC_PROP_DRW_FCOLORBYBLOCK | bool | RW | Filling color "ByBlock" |
LC_PROP_DRW_FCOLORI | int bool |
RW R |
Color Index (1..255) TRUE if the color is index |
LC_PROP_DRW_FCOLORT | int bool |
RW R |
True Color (COLORREF) TRUE if the color is RGB |
Active objects and parameters, used on creating new entities | |||
LC_PROP_DRW_LAYER | handle string |
RW | Handle to active layer Name of active layer |
LC_PROP_DRW_LINETYPE | handle string |
RW | Handle to active linetype Name of active linetype |
LC_PROP_DRW_LTSCALE | float | RW | Current linetype scale |
LC_PROP_DRW_TEXTSTYLE | handle string |
RW | Handle to active text style Name of active text style |
LC_PROP_DRW_PNTSTYLE | handle string |
RW | Handle to active point style Name of active point style |
LC_PROP_DRW_DIMSTYLE | handle string |
RW | Handle to active dimension style Name of active dimension style |
LC_PROP_DRW_BLOCK | handle string |
RW | Handle to active block Name of active block |
LC_PROP_DRW_BARCTYPE | int | RW | Active barcode type |
LC_PROP_DRW_BARCSOLID | bool | RW | TRUE - barcodes are solid, FALSE - outline and filling are separate |
LC_PROP_DRW_LWMODE | int | RW | Linewidth display mode (LC_LW_THIN, LC_LW_REAL, LC_LW_PIXEL) |
LC_PROP_DRW_LWIDTH | int | RW | Active linewidth (will be applied to new entities) |
LC_PROP_DRW_LWDEFAULT | int | RW | Default linewidth (for linewidth==LC_LWIDTH_DEFAULT) |
LC_PROP_DRW_LWSCALE | int | RW | Linewidth screen scale, mm / pixel (used to display linewidth LC_LW_PIXEL mode) |
LC_PROP_DRW_LOCKSEL | bool | RW | "Enable selection on locked layers" flag |
Explode options |
LC_PROP_DRW_EXPLODEARC | bool | RW | Enable exploding of arcs and circles to polylines |
LC_PROP_DRW_EXPPLINELA | bool | RW | Explode bulge polyline: TRUE-to lines and arcs, FALSE-to simple polyline |
LC_PROP_DRW_EXPSIMPLINE | bool | RW | Enable exploding simple polylines to lines |
LC_PROP_DRW_EXPTEXTSPLINE | bool | RW | If TRUE - explode TrueType text to splines, FALSE - to simple polylines |
Default named objects | |||
LC_PROP_DRW_BLOCK_MODEL | handle | R | Handle to "Model Space" block |
LC_PROP_DRW_LAYER_0 | handle | R | Handle to layer "0" |
LC_PROP_DRW_LINETYPE_CONT | handle | R | Handle to linetype "Continuous" |
LC_PROP_DRW_LINETYPE_BYLAY | handle | R | Handle to linetype "ByLayer" |
LC_PROP_DRW_LINETYPE_BYBLK | handle | R | Handle to linetype "ByBlock" |
LC_PROP_DRW_TEXTSTYLE_STD | handle | R | Handle to text style "Standard" |
LC_PROP_DRW_PNTSTYLE_STD | handle | R | Handle to point style "Standard" |
LC_PROP_DRW_DIMSTYLE_STD | handle | R | Handle to dimension style "Standard" |
Default resolution | |||
LC_PROP_DRW_RESOLARC | int | RW | Default resolution for arc/circle/ellipse/bulge |
LC_PROP_DRW_RESOLSPLINE | int | RW | Default resolution for splines |
LC_PROP_DRW_RESOLTEXT | int | RW | Default resolution for TTF text |
View limits | |||
LC_PROP_DRW_LIM_MIXPIXSIZE | float | RW | Minimal pixel size (drawing units). Defines Zoom-In limit. By default 0.0001 |
LC_PROP_DRW_LIM_MAXLEF | float | RW | Xmin of limits rectangle (see also lcDrwSetLimits) |
LC_PROP_DRW_LIM_MAXBOT | float | RW | Ymin of limits rectangle |
LC_PROP_DRW_LIM_MAXRIG | float | RW | Xmax of limits rectangle |
LC_PROP_DRW_LIM_MAXTOP | float | RW | Ymax of limits rectangle |
LC_PROP_DRW_LIM_MAXON | bool | RW | Enable maximal view limits (for Zoom-Out) |
User specified data |
int | RW | User integer variables |
float | RW | User float variables |
string | RW | User text variables |
LC_PROP_DRW_XDATASIZE | int | RW | Size of extra data (bytes) |
LC_PROP_DRW_XDATA | handle | RW | Pointer to extra data |