Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) | Home |
Function | Meaning |
lcBlockAddTIN | Adds TIN object into a drawing |
lcTIN_AddPoint | Used to pre-define all TIN points (before to call lcBlockAddTIN) |
Function | Meaning |
lcTIN_AddPoint | Adds new point |
lcTIN_PtypeGetByName | Retrieves point type by its name |
lcTIN_PtypeGetFirst lcTIN_PtypeGetNext |
Used to sequentially retrieve all point types |
lcTIN_PntGetFirst lcTIN_PntGetNext |
Used to sequentially retrieve all points |
lcTIN_PntGetNear | Finds a point, nearest to the specified X,Y coordinates |
lcTIN_PntDelDup | Deletes duplicate points |
lcTIN_TriGetFirst lcTIN_TriGetNext |
Used to sequentially retrieve all triangles |
lcTIN_TriGetByPos | Retrieves a tringle by position |
lcTIN_TriGetEdge | Retrieves points of triangle edge and contacted triangle |
lcTIN_TriUpdate | Updates triangles after editing point position |
lcTIN_Bnd | Generates a boundary |
lcTIN_BndGetPoint | Retrieves boundary point |
lcTIN_Triangulate | Triangulate points within a boundary |
lcTIN_Isolines | Generates isolines |
lcTIN_IsoGetFirst lcTIN_IsoGetNext |
Used to sequentially retrieve all isolines |
lcTIN_IsoMakeLabels lcTIN_GetIsoLabel |
Used to retrieve positions of isoline's height labels |
lcTIN_GetZ | Retrieves Z-coordinate for specified X,Y position |
lcTIN_ColorFill | Generates color filling (raster image) |
lcTIN_Save | Write TIN model or points into external file |
lcTIN_InterLine | Defines intersection line |
lcTIN_InterGetPoint | Retrieves intersection points |
lcTIN_Clear | Clears TIN data |
Value | Meaning |
LC_CMD_TIN_LOAD | Creates new TIN object by loading TIN model from a file (*.tin) |
LC_CMD_TIN_LOADPT | Creates new TIN object by loading TIN points from a file (*.csv) |
LC_CMD_TIN_ADDPT | Creates new TIN object by adding points on-screen |
Value | Meaning |
LC_CMD_TIN_PROPS | Opens a dialog "TIN properties" |
LC_CMD_TIN_PTYPES | Opens a dialog "Point types" |
LC_CMD_TIN_EDITPT | Picks and edits points |
LC_CMD_TIN_ADDPT | Adds new TIN points on-screen (CmdParam = 1) |
LC_CMD_TIN_DELPT | Picks and deletes points |
LC_CMD_TIN_BNDDELPT | Deletes all points within a boundary |
LC_CMD_TIN_DELPTDUP | Opens a dialog "Delete duplicate points" |
LC_CMD_TIN_DELTRALL | Delete all triangles. (CmdParam: 1-no messages |
LC_CMD_TIN_DELTR | Picks and deletes triangles |
LC_CMD_TIN_BNDDELTR | Deletes all triangles within a boundary |
LC_CMD_TIN_SWAPTR | Picks a common edge of two triangles and swap their edge if possible |
LC_CMD_TIN_BNDAUTO | Creates a boundary by edge distance |
LC_CMD_TIN_BND | Creates a boundary by picking TIN points |
LC_CMD_TIN_BNDEDIT | Edits exist boundary on-screen |
LC_CMD_TIN_BNDCLEAR | Deletes a boundary |
LC_CMD_TIN_BNDTRANG | Triangulates points within a boundary. (CmdParam: 1 - stop after each triangle |
LC_CMD_TIN_GENISO | Call dialog "Generate TIN isolines" |
LC_CMD_TIN_GENFILL | Call dialog "Generate TIN filling" |
LC_CMD_TIN_SAVE | Save TIN object or only TIN points in a file |
LC_CMD_TIN_BNDSAVE | Save a bounded part of TIN object or TIN points in a file |
LC_CMD_TIN_Z | Switches on/off current Z-coordinate of cursor position (displayed near cursor) |
LC_CMD_TIN_ZOOM | Zoom on extents of TIN object |
LC_CMD_TIN_DELETE | Deletes TIN object from a memory. See also lcBlockDeleteEnt |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_TIN_NAME | string | RW | TIN name |
LC_PROP_TIN_DESCR | string | RW | Comment |
LC_PROP_TIN_NPTYPES | int | R | Number of point types |
LC_PROP_TIN_NPOINTS | int | R | Number of points |
LC_PROP_TIN_NTRIANS | int | R | Number of triangles |
LC_PROP_TIN_NBNDPTS | int | R | Number of boundary points |
LC_PROP_TIN_NISOLINES | int | R | Number of isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_HASCFILL | bool | R | Has color filling |
LC_PROP_TIN_EXTERNAL | bool | RW | If TRUE then TIN data will be stored in external file |
LC_PROP_TIN_FILENAME | string | R | Name of TIN data file |
Extents |
float | R | Minimal X, Y, Z coordinate |
float | R | Maximal X, Y, Z coordinate |
float | R | Length along X, Y, Z axis |
Visibility |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWPT | bool | RW | Points |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWPTN | bool | RW | Point type name |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWPTI | bool | RW | Point index |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWPTZ | bool | RW | Point Z-coordinate |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWTR | bool | RW | Triangles |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWCF | bool | RW | Color filling |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWTRI | bool | RW | Index of triangle |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWTRV | bool | RW | Triangle's waterflow vector |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWBND | bool | RW | Boundary line |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWBNDI | bool | RW | Index of boundary vertex |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWISO | bool | RW | Isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWISOH | bool | RW | Heights of isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWZ | bool | RW | Displays current Z-value near cursor, when user moves it |
Colors |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLTR | int | RW | Color of triangle outline |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLTRI | int | RW | Color of triangle index |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLTRV | int | RW | Color of triangle normal vector |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLISO | int | RW | Color of isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLISOB | int | RW | Color of bold isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLISOW | int | RW | Color of water isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLBND | int | RW | Color of boundary line |
LC_PROP_TIN_COLBNDP | int | RW | Color of boundary point |
Isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_ISOBASE | float | RW | Start Z-level. Default value is 0.0 |
LC_PROP_TIN_ISOSTEP | float | RW | Z step |
LC_PROP_TIN_ISOBOLD | int | RW | Step of bold isolines |
LC_PROP_TIN_ISOSPLINE | bool | RW | Spline isolines |
Color filling |
LC_PROP_TIN_IMG_ZSTEP | float | RW | Z step. Defines a number of colors used for filling. Use 0.0 for full palette (256 colors) |
LC_PROP_TIN_IMG_PSIZE | float | RW | Pixel size (drawing units). This value determines the image size |
LC_PROP_TIN_IMG_NX | int | R | Image width (pixels) |
LC_PROP_TIN_IMG_NY | int | R | Image height (pixels) |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_TINPTYPE_NAME | string | RW | Name of point type |
LC_PROP_TINPTYPE_DTEXT | string | RW | Text to be drawn near a point |
LC_PROP_TINPTYPE_COLOR | int | RW | Color of points (COLORREF) |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_TYPE | handle | RW | Handle of point type |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_I | int | R | Index of point |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_X | float | RW | X coordinate |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_Y | float | RW | Y coordinate |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_Z | float | RW | Z coordinate |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_COLOR | int | R | Color of point (get from point type) |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_NAME | string | R | Point name (get from point type) |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_ONAME | string | RW | Point own name (overrides name of point type) |
LC_PROP_TINPNT_DESCR | string | RW | Point description |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_TINTR_I | int | R | Index of triangle |
LC_PROP_TINTR_PT0 | handle | R | Handle of first point |
LC_PROP_TINTR_PT1 | handle | R | Handle of second point |
LC_PROP_TINTR_PT2 | handle | R | Handle of third point |
float | R | X, Y, Z coordinate of first point |
float | R | X, Y, Z coordinate of second point |
float | R | X, Y, Z coordinate of third point |
float | R | X, Y, Z coordinate of center point |
float | R | X, Y, Z component of normal vector |
LC_PROP_TINTR_NANG | float | R | Angle of normal vector on XY plane |
float | R | Minimal X, Y, Z coordinate of triangle |
float | R | Maximal X, Y, Z coordinate of triangle |
float | R | Length along X, Y, Z axis |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_TINISO_Z | float | R | Z of isoline |
LC_PROP_TINISO_NVERS | int | R | Number of vertices |
LC_PROP_TINISO_IVER | int | RW | Index of isoline |
LC_PROP_TINISO_X | float | R | X of isoline vertex |
LC_PROP_TINISO_Y | float | R | Y of isoline vertex |
LC_PROP_TINISO_CLOSED | bool | R | Flag "closed isoline" |