Dimension Angular Home

Angular dimensions measure the angle between two lines or three points.

Dimension Lines
If you use two straight, nonparallel lines to specify an angle, the dimension line arc spans the angle between the two lines. If the dimension line arc does not meet one or both of the lines being dimensioned, The program draws one or two extension lines to intersect the dimension line arc. The arc is always less than 180 degrees.

Dimension Circles and Arcs
If you use an arc or a circle or three points to specify an angle, the program draws the dimension line arc between the extension lines. The extension lines are drawn from the angle endpoints to the intersection of the dimension line arc.

The location that you specify for the dimension line arc determines the quadrant of the dimensioned angle.

New dimensions are created with the current dimension style.
To add angular dimension object into a drawing use following functions:

Function Meaning
lcBlockAddDimAng By 3 points and an arc point
lcBlockAddDimAng2 By 2 nonparallel lines and an arc point

Angular dimension object has the following properties:

Property Type Access Meaning
LC_PROP_ENT_...    Base class properties
RW Handle to dimension style
Name of dimension style
LC_PROP_DIMANG_3PNT bool R "3 points" mode
LC_PROP_DIMANG_2LINE bool R "2 lines" mode
LC_PROP_DIMANG_APX float RW Arc point X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_APY float RW Arc point Y
LC_PROP_DIMANG_EXT1 bool RW Visibility of extention line 1
LC_PROP_DIMANG_EXT2 bool RW Visibility of extention line 2
LC_PROP_DIMANG_RAD float R Radius of dimension arc
LC_PROP_DIMANG_TPOS float RW Text position on arc
LC_PROP_DIM_TEXT string RW User-supplied dimension text
LC_PROP_DIM_MEAS float R Measured value

   "3 points" mode
LC_PROP_DIMANG_CPX float RW Center point X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_CPY float RW Center point Y
LC_PROP_DIMANG_DP1X float RW 1st definition point X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_DP1Y float RW 1st definition point Y
LC_PROP_DIMANG_DP2X float RW 2nd definition point X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_DP2Y float RW 2nd definition point Y

   "2 lines" mode
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L1P1X float RW Line 1 point 1 X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L1P1Y float RW Line 1 point 1 Y
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L1P2X float RW Line 1 point 2 X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L1P2Y float RW Line 1 point 2 Y
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L2P1X float RW Line 2 point 1 X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L2P1Y float RW Line 2 point 1 Y
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L2P2X float RW Line 2 point 2 X
LC_PROP_DIMANG_L2P2Y float RW Line 2 point 2 Y

See also

  Retrieve objects