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Create "road plan" object
void DemoRPlan (HANDLE hLcWnd)
  int    Side;
  double Len, Dist, X, Y, X2, Y2, DirAng, Ang, Step;
  WCHAR  szText[32];
  HANDLE hVer[6], hRPlan, hBlock, hDrw;

  // get drawing and block, linked with CAD window
  hDrw = lcPropGetHandle( hLcWnd, LC_PROP_WND_DRW );
  hBlock = lcPropGetHandle( hLcWnd, LC_PROP_WND_BLOCK );
  // create empty object
  hRPlan = lcBlockAddRPlan( hBlock );
  // add vertices
  hVer[0] = lcRPlanAddVer( hRPlan, 0,120 );
  hVer[1] = lcRPlanAddVer( hRPlan, 200,0 );
  hVer[2] = lcRPlanAddVer( hRPlan, 500,420 );
  hVer[3] = lcRPlanAddVer( hRPlan, 830,450 );
  hVer[4] = lcRPlanAddVer( hRPlan, 1000,100 );
  hVer[5] = lcRPlanAddVer( hRPlan, 1300,0 );
  // define curves
  lcRPlanSetCurve( hVer[1], 100,50,50 );
  lcRPlanSetCurve( hVer[2], 250,70,70 );
  lcRPlanSetCurve( hVer[3], 100,50,50 );
  lcRPlanSetCurve( hVer[4], 500,0,0 );

  // Now we will add distance markers along the road
  // set current color
  lcPropPutStr( hDrw, LC_PROP_DRW_COLOR, L"blue" );
  // get road length
  Len = lcPropGetFloat( hRPlan, LC_PROP_RPLAN_LEN );
  Step = 100.0;
  Dist = 0.0;
  while( Dist < Len ){
      // get on-road point (X,Y) by distance from beginning
    lcRPlanGetPoint( hRPlan, Dist, &X, &Y, &DirAng, &Side );
      // add line and text at this position
    Ang = DirAng - LC_DEG90;
    lcGetPolarPoint( X, Y, Ang, 5.0, &X2, &Y2 );
    lcBlockAddLine( hBlock, X, Y, X2, Y2 );
    lcGetPolarPoint( X, Y, Ang, 10.0, &X2, &Y2 );
    swprintf( szText, L"%.1f", Dist );
    lcBlockAddText2( hBlock, szText, X2, Y2, LC_TA_LEFCEN, 3.0, 1.0, Ang, 0.0 );
    Dist += Step;
  // make the picture visible in a window
  lcBlockUpdate( hBlock, true, 0 );
  lcWndExeCommand( hWnd, LC_CMD_ZOOM_EXT, 0 );

This is a fragment of the created drawing (at vertex 3):

See Also:

Retrieve position on RPlan entity by mouse click