Polyline | Home |
Function | Meaning |
lcBlockAddPolyline | Adds a polyline |
lcBlockAddRPolygon | Adds regular polygon |
lcPlineAddVer | Adds a polyline vertex |
lcPlineAddVer2 | Adds a polyline vertex with parameters |
lcPlineAddVerDir | Adds a polyline vertex by direction from the previous vertex |
lcPlineAddVerPt | Inserts a vertex on exist segment |
lcPlineEnd | End of adding vertices |
lcPlineFromPtbuf | Copies vertices from Points buffer object |
lcPlineFromMpgon | Copies vertices from Multipolygon object |
lcPlineFromFile | Copies vertices from a file |
Function | Meaning |
lcPlineDeleteVer | Deletes a vertex from a polyline |
lcPlineDelExVers | Deletes extra vertices |
lcPlineGetFirstVer lcPlineGetNextVer lcPlineGetLastVer lcPlineGetPrevVer |
Used to sequentially retrieve all vertices from a polyline |
lcPlineGetVer | Gets a polyline vertex by its index |
lcPlineGetVerPt | Gets a polyline vertex by point |
lcPlineGetSeg | Gets a polyline segment by point |
lcPlineReverse | Reverse order of polyline vertices |
lcPlineContainPoint | Determines if some point is placed inside of a polygon |
lcPlineSetStartVer | Sets start vertex for closed polyline |
lcPlineGetPoint | Gets a point on a polyline by distance from beginning |
lcPlineGetDist | Gets a point on a polyline which is nearest to specified point |
lcPlineDivide | Gets equidistant points on a polyline, by number of points |
lcPlineDivide2 | Gets equidistant points on a polyline, by a distance |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_ENT_... Base class properties | |||
LC_PROP_PLINE_FIT | int | RW | Fit type |
LC_PROP_PLINE_NVERS | int | R | Number of vertices |
LC_PROP_PLINE_CLOSED | bool | RW | Closed polyline |
LC_PROP_PLINE_WIDTH | float bool |
RW | Constant width |
LC_PROP_PLINE_RADIUS | float bool |
RW | Constant radius (for rounded polyline) |
LC_PROP_PLINE_CHAMFER | bool | RW | Chamfer or arc (for rounded polyline) |
LC_PROP_PLINE_LEN | float | R | Length |
LC_PROP_PLINE_AREA | float | R | Area |
LC_PROP_PLINE_HASANG0 | bool | RW | Has start angle (for LC_PLFIT_SPLINE) |
LC_PROP_PLINE_ANG0 | float | RW | Start angle (for LC_PLFIT_SPLINE) |
LC_PROP_PLINE_HASANG2 | bool | RW | Has end angle (for LC_PLFIT_SPLINE) |
LC_PROP_PLINE_ANG2 | float | RW | End angle (for LC_PLFIT_SPLINE) |
LC_PROP_PLINE_CW | bool | R | "ClockWise direction" flag |
LC_PROP_PLINE_CCW | bool | R | "Counter-ClockWise direction" flag |
Property | Type | Access | Meaning |
LC_PROP_VER_X | float | RW | Coordinate X |
LC_PROP_VER_Y | float | RW | Coordinate Y |
LC_PROP_VER_Z | float | RW | Coordinate Z |
LC_PROP_VER_FIX | bool | RW | "Fixed vertex" flag (for LC_PLFIT_LINQUAD). |
LC_PROP_VER_RADIUS | float | RW | Radius of vertex arc (for LC_PLFIT_ROUND). |
LC_PROP_VER_INDEX | int | R | Vertex index (from 0 to LC_PROP_PLINE_NVERS-1). |
LC_PROP_VER_FIRST | bool | R | "First vertex" flag |
LC_PROP_VER_LAST | bool | R | "Last vertex" flag |
For the segment from current vertex to the next vertex |
LC_PROP_VER_W0 | float | RW | Start width |
LC_PROP_VER_W1 | float | RW | End width |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGDX | float | RW | Delta X to the next vertex |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGDY | float | RW | Delta Y to the next vertex |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGANG | float | RW | Direction angle to the next vertex |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGLEN | float | RW | Distance to the next vertex |
For arc segment (LC_PLFIT_BULGE) |
LC_PROP_VER_BULGE | float | RW | Bulge value |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGARCANG | float | RW | Arc included Angle |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGARCH | float | RW | Arc Height |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGARCLEN | float | R | Arc Length |
LC_PROP_VER_SEGARCRAD | float | R | Arc Radius |